
Showing 33–48 of 233 results

  • easter science experiments with Peeps and Jelly Beans

    Easter science experiments


    2 Cool Easter science experiments for kids to do this April. Your students will love exploring Peeps and Jelly Beans with these hands on Easter science activities this Spring. This resource comes with the following Easter science experiments:

    • Peeps science experiment
    • Jelly Bean science experiment
      • Both of these Easter science experiments come with 3 different worksheets so that you can differentiate based on your students needs. There’s an option for only drawing the predictions and results, finishing a sentence stem and drawing predictions, as well as writing complete sentences and drawing predictions.

    Check out my Easter blog post for more amazing Easter activities and ideas.

    Don’t forget to follow The Primary Parade on social media for more great ideas and resources:


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    I love to see my ideas and activities in action. If you download my products, please feel free to tag me in a post on any of the above social media accounts. Thank you!

  • love monster craft

    Love Monster Craft


    This Love Monster craft is the perfect book character craft for your Valentines Day read aloud time! This book character craft pairs perfectly with your students favorite read aloud, Love Monster. Crafts are a great follow up after a book study, author study, or read aloud during your reading block.   What’s included in each…

  • alphabet coloring pages

    Alphabet Coloring Pages


    Do your students need more practice identifying the letters A-Z? If so, these alphabet coloring pages are the perfect letter activities for you.

    These letter activities for preschoolers are a great way to teach your kids the alphabet and help your students learn their letters fast. To get more ideas for teaching letters, check out my blog post.

  • apple life cycle craft

    Apple Life Cycle Craft


    This Apple craft is the perfect craft and activity to do during a fun apple theme this fall as you learn about an apples life cycle. This apple activity would also be a great way to study the parts of an apple. This apple craft comes with:

    • An apple craft (whole)
    • Apple core craft
    • Vocabulary words to label the parts of the apple core (flesh, core, seeds, skin, stem, and leaf are all included)
    • Apple lifecycle pictures (it also includes a blank apple)
  • coloring letter a worksheets

    Beginning Sounds Coloring Pages


    Do your students need more practice identifying the beginning sounds that letters make? If so, these beginning sound coloring pages are the perfect alphabet activities for you.

    These letter activities for preschoolers are a great way to teach your kids the alphabet and beginning sounds while helping your students learn their letters fast. To get more ideas for teaching letters, check out my blog post.

  • dinosaur printables for kids

    Dinosaur Printables for Kids


    Get ready for a fun filled week of dinosaur activities for kids to use in your classroom or centers! These dinosaur printables for kids are designed to introduce your child to academic skills and concepts in an engaging way! My math and reading centers are easy enough for a parent to complete with their child…

  • end of year craft

    End of year craft

    This end of the year craft is the perfect summer craft to help you celebrate your students success all year! Create an adorable summer craft at the end of the year and have students write about what they’re looking forward to doing in the summer or in the next grade level. Each summer writing crafitivity comes with phrasing on half a page and full page. There are also 2 floating into summer coloring pages included in this summer craft bundle.
    Phrasing includes:
    • Floating into summer
    • Floating into Kindergarten
    • Floating into First Grade
    • Floating into Second Grade
    • Floating into Third Grade
    • Floating into Fourth Grade
    • Floating into Fifth Grade
    • Floating into Middle School
    What’s included in the Summer craft for the End of the Year pdf:
    A photograph of the Summer craft and writing activity
    2 floating into summer coloring pages
    • Labeled templates for the End of year craft with a title of what it is and the color paper to print it on.
    **Please note that you can easily change the colors of any of my crafts by simply changing the color construction paper you print or trace them on.**
    All of these labeled craft patterns can be copied onto colored paper, cut out, and glued together by students or xeroxed and traced by students for a fun addition to your reading activities.
  • frog life cycle craft

    Frog Life Cycle Craft


    Do you need a cute frog life cycle craft to go with your Spring or pond theme activities? I’ve got you covered. This frog life cycle craft will reinforce your students learning about life cycles in a fun and hands on way. This frog craft comes with: Frog craft and lily pad Just print the simple frog life cycle…

  • how to make a snowman

    How to Make a Snowman


    This how to make a snowman craft and how to writing activities are the perfect crafts and activities to do during a procedural writing unit. Teaching how-tos? Your students would love to use this craft in addition to the how to make a snowman writing printables. This snowman craft includes: A snowman craft How to make a…

  • cinco de mayo for kids

    How to Make a Taco


    This how to make a taco craft and how to writing activities are the perfect crafts and activities to do during a procedural writing unit. Teaching how-tos? Your students would love to use this craft in addition to the how to make a taco writing printables. This taco craft includes: A taco craft How to make a…

  • nacho average dad fathers day craft

    Nacho Average Dad craft


    This Fathers Day craft is the perfect summer craft to help you celebrate your students dads this June! This Nacho Average Dad craft also includes a cute writing activity to help kids tell about why their father is so special.

    Phrasing includes:

    • My favorite thing about my dad is…
    • I love you because…
    • You’re a great dad because…

    What’s included in the Fathers Day craft pdf:

    • A photograph of the Fathers Day craft and writing activity

    • Labeled templates for the Fathers Day craft with a title of what it is and the color paper to print it on.

    **Please note that you can easily change the colors of any of my crafts by simply changing the color construction paper you print or trace them on.**

    All of these labeled craft patterns can be copied onto colored paper, cut out, and glued together by students or xeroxed and traced by students for a fun addition to your reading activities.

    Need more summer activities or Father’s Day craft ideas? Be sure to check out my blog post!

  • Kindergarten graduation crafts

    Preschool and Kindergarten graduation crafts

    Preschool and Kindergarten graduation crafts are perfect activities to do for the end of the year. Customize these cute graduation crafts in your school colors and end your Preschool and Kindergarten year on a high note. These graduation crafts come with:
    • A boy and girl template perfect for an end of the year graduation
    Print the graduation craft templates on colored paper or use them as tracing templates so your students can make their very own end of year craft.
    These cute graduation crafts would look so cute displayed during a Preschool or Kindergarten graduation, or hung up on an end of the year bulletin board.
  • This chicken life cycle craft is the perfect way to teach the life cycle of a chicken this Spring in an Easter theme or farm theme lesson

    Preschool Chicken Life Cycle

    Do you need a preschool chicken life cycle craft to go with your Easter or farm theme activities? I’ve got you covered. This life cycle of a chicken craft will reinforce your students learning about life cycles in a fun and hands on way. This preschool life cycle of a chicken craft comes with:
    • 2 chicken crafts ( boy chick craft + girl chick craft )
      • Just print the simple chicken life cycle craft templates on colored paper (or color) and glue together
    • 4 different shells to choose from
      • blank shell, fully colored, black and white, and a cut and paste option
    This is a perfect preschool chicken life cycle activity for kids!
  • rainbow write alphabet worksheet

    Rainbow Write the Alphabet


    Do your students need more practice identifying the letters A-Z? If so, these rainbow write alphabet pages are the perfect letter activities for you.

    These letter activities for preschoolers are a great way to teach your kids the alphabet and help your students learn their letters fast. To get more ideas for teaching letters, check out my blog post.

  • bucket filler worksheet

    Bucket Filler craft


    This bucket filler craft is the perfect back to school craft to add to a back to school bulletin board. This bucket filler craft would a great follow up activity to do after reading the book How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Rath or Have You Filled A Bucket Today by Carol McCloud.   There are 4 bucket filler certificates…

  • leprechaun printable

    Build a leprechaun beard

    If you’re looking for a fun counting activity (1-20), this St Patricks Day math printable is perfect for you. This adorable leprechaun beard building activity comes with a leprechaun and number cards.
    All you need to gather is this leprechaun printable and small orange manipulatives like playdoh or pom poms
    This would make a great preschool math activity to go in a math center or to use when teaching number sense and counting this holiday.
    Want even more St Patricks Day activities and ideas? Check out my St Patricks Day post!