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Candy Cane Science Experiment for Kids

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I’m so excited to share these new candy cane science activities for kids with you just in time for the holidays! There are so many easy science activities for preschoolers you can do this winter, but this candy cane science experiment is definitely one of my favorites!

Get ready to explore the scientific method and learn all about making comparisons and predictions with your preschoolers this year. My printable candy cane science experiment is perfect for learning about science in the classroom and it’s simple enough to do at home with your little ones. 

Keep reading to discover all kinds of fun candy cane themed science activities for kids in preschool, kindergartners, and toddlers too. You won’t want to miss all this Christmas science learning fun!

Why Is Preschool Science Important?

The goal of science in preschool isn’t to memorize facts and theories but to discover through observations and experimentation. Preschoolers often learn about these concepts through open-ended play. In the classroom or homeschool setting, we can facilitate new ways to observe and experiment with our preschool learners.

Science is all about connecting your child’s senses to the world around them. When they are young, we can teach them to explore, be curious, and ask questions.

Engaging in science experiments is a fun and easy way to encourage your preschoolers’ curiosity and get them asking all kinds of questions too!

Candy Cane Science Experiments for Kids in Preschool

It’s that time of year! Candy canes are everywhere! 

They’re not just tasty, candy canes are the perfect tool for all kinds of easy science activities for preschoolers too. Check out some of my favorite candy cane science activities for kids below, including my no-prep candy cane science experiment printable!

Dissolving Candy Cane Science Experiment

You can learn a lot about how candy canes change in different liquids with your preschoolers using my printable candy cane science experiment. This science activity for kids is an easy way to have fun with your preschoolers this Christmas while learning early science concepts.

Candy cane science experiment for Crristmas

Preschoolers can make predictions and record the results of the experiment on my printable candy cane science experiment page.

Candy Cane Temperature Experiment

For this simple holiday science experiment, you’ll need clear cups, 1 cup of hot water, 1 cup of room temperature water, 1 cup of cold water, paper plates, peppermint candy canes, and a timer. First, invite your preschoolers to see what happens to candy canes in different temperatures of water.

Then, see what happens in dry temperature changes by putting a candy cane on a plate in the freezer and a candy cane on a plate in the microwave. 

You can encourage your preschoolers to make predictions about what will happen before the experiment. Then, talk about the changes to your candy canes after the experiments. 

More Easy Science Activities for Preschoolers

Are you looking for more easy science activities for preschoolers to enjoy in your classroom around the holidays? Check out more of my favorite science activities for kids down below.

You’ll see fun science experiments for Winter, Christmas, Halloween, Easter and more!

Gingerbread Science Experiment

Hot Chocolate Science Experiment

Candy Corn Science Experiment

Jelly Bean Science Experiment
Peeps Science Experiment for Easter

Do you have a favorite candy cane science experiment to do with preschool learners? Share your favorite science activities for preschoolers in the comments. I can’t wait to read them and try a few of your favorites with my kiddos too!

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