End of Year Kindergarten Skills Assessment
End of year kindergarten assessments are a great way for kindergarten teachers to see what your child knows, and what information they still need to master. My printable end of year kindergarten assessment will help you develop a baseline at the beginning of the year and show student progress over the school year! These student performance assessments are great for testing individual students and determining who needs additional classroom support.
Kindergarten end of the year assessments can be time consuming! It can be stressful for teachers and kindergarten students to complete an assessment page during all the activities and events that take place at the end of the school year.
Taking an initial assessment during the first weeks of kindergarten and updating it at the end of kindergarten can make it easier for your students. Keep reading to discover how my printable assessments can help you meet kindergarten standards this year and next year.
How To Use End of Year Kindergarten Assessments
When I started using an end of year kindergarten assessment, I realized just how many skills we learn throughout the year! It’s easy to forget how many concepts you’re teaching until you see them all listed in a printable assessment.
At the start of the year, it’s common for kindergarten students to know just a few letters. By the end of the year, they need to know all 26 letters in the alphabet and be familiar with a variety of language arts concepts including long vowels, and concepts of print, and have built phonological awareness skills.
Children have moved from being able to count to 10 to understanding all kinds of early math concepts including addition, subtraction, graphing, and how to solve a word problem.
Kindergarten assessments can help you check to ensure your rising 1st grade students are prepared for their first-grade teachers and another year of academic success. After assessments, you’ll be able to create helpful progress reports for teachers to use next year and practice any skills that might need a little extra work before summer vacation.
A quick way to discover what your students do and don’t know is by using an end of year kindergarten assessment checklist.
Have each student read through the list of numbers, letters, and words. Check to see which ones your student can identify correctly and which might need a little extra work. Then, try some fun activities for extra practice before the end of the school year.
First, choose which skills to focus on for your assessment. You’ll want to cover all the important skills for kindergarten without overwhelming your students.
Then, put together questions to assess your student’s confidence and abilities. Give each student time to respond and gather the data from your assessments for report cards.
Printable End of the School Year Kindergarten Assessment Tests
Creating questions to assess all the skills you’ve practiced in kindergarten and gathering the data can be overwhelming, especially at such a busy time of year. Instead, embrace my low-prep printable end of the school year kindergarten assessments.
I’ve covered all the domains of learning from the start of kindergarten to the end of the year. Using this printable will make it easy to create individual student reports for parents and spring administration to review.
Check Student Progress In Language Arts
You’ll be able to check your student’s progress in language arts with ease with this printable assessment. Here are some of the skills I like to test for at the end of the year:
- Syllables
- Sight Words
- Rhyming Words
- Phonemic Awareness
- Letter Identification Skills
- Letter Sounds
- Beginning Sounds
- Medial Sounds
- Ending Sounds
- CVC Words
- Comprehension
My printable end of year kindergarten assessment includes all kinds of fun ways to check these skills with your students. There are colorful questions with pictures to help struggling readers complete the assessment successfully.
End of Year Math Assessment Tools
Math skills I test for at the end of the year include all kinds of early numeracy concepts. Here are a few of the big ones:
- 2D Shapes
- 3D Shapes
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Number Recognition
- Counting and Subitizing
- Colors
- Graphing
My math end of year assessment includes easy-to-use printables your students can easily understand to help them meet with success as they complete the questions.
There are questions like: “Name the colors” with several labeled crayons for kindergartners to identify, and “What comes next” with a simple AAB pattern for students to finish.
You can use these tips to create your own kindergarten readiness assessment or check skills at the end of the year.
Better yet, make it easy and grab my printable end of year kindergarten assessment. You won’t miss any of the important developmental screenings in this easy assessment tool with your students.
Get Extra Practice With Kindergarten Entry Assessment Activities
There are lots of fun Kindergarten Readiness Activities you can use to practice these important skills with students who might need a little extra help. Send home my printable activities or get extra practice in the classroom as you prepare for the end of year assessments.
Then grab my free Kindergarten learning goals checklist to ensure your students have mastered the most important skills this year. I love how this free end of year kindergarten assessment is a quick visual of what your students know and still need to learn.
End of Year Crafts for Kindergarten Students
Celebrate your student’s achievements with a kindergarten graduation craft. This is a fun way to get extra motor development practice with your kindergartners while rewarding them for their academic successes this year.
Check out my list of the 20 Best Graduation Crafts to get ideas for your classroom celebration this year.
How do you check for comprehension and mastery with your kindergartners at the end of the school year? Do you have a favorite early childhood assessment for the end of the year? Share your favorites in the comments. I’d love to check them out as I prepare for the end of the school year with my students!