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Free Preschool Visual Schedule

Hey there, Mama! With COVID causing all of our daily lives to be uprooted, I know planning your new “life” around your kiddos school work seems like a stretch. You may be wondering where to begin, what to teach, or how to get through the necessities of daily schooling.

I see you.

I see the eye rolls and tantrums from your kiddo when you ask them to turn off their video games.

I see the anxiety building up, because this is new and uncharted territory for you and you may not know where to begin.

The great thing is you’re not alone and I have some free and inexpensive resources to make things a bit easier for you during this crazy time.


Here is a FREE preschool visual schedule you’re more than welcome to use. I hang this on our play room wall and change it out daily depending on which tasks we are working on that day. Each piece has a magnet added to the back which makes it a low prep way to manipulate our schedule around as needed! I’ve tried a few brands out and have found that these work really well with little hands. Plus, they’re adhesive so they just peel and stick onto most surfaces making them extremely low prep! 🙂

My little one and I are pretty flexible with out homeschool schedule. You may choose to go in the same order every day, or let your little one take charge of their learning like we do. One day we may start off with reading, then go straight to outside play; while they next day may begin with fine motor skills and then go straight into math.

Feel free to use this free visual schedule with your little learners or share it with whoever may need it!

What Activities Do I Teach My Preschooler?

Every homeschool, preschool, and day care facility has different needs. My daily non negotiables are reading, math, and fine motor skills. Each day we get these done at a minimum; although we typically do a few additional activities as well.

Here’s an example of an at a glance lesson plan I use throughout the week.


My daughter is only 3, so her attention span is sometimes only a few minutes. If your little learner is like mine and there are days she only participates for a bit, don’t get discouraged. I’m here to tell you that IT’S OKAY! These activities are not necessarily supposed to be done for a long stretch of time, although they definitely can be.

Preschool is great because it’s mostly learning how kids do best, through play. However, if you’d like a list of skills that should be mastered by the end of Preschool (along with several other freebies) check out this FREE Ultimate Guide to Preschool.

Need Preschool Lesson Plans?

You’re in luck. I have created easy to use and highly engaging activity bundles to get you through the next few months of school and daycare closings. Here’s a few pictures of some of my favorite activities from my Zoo, Space, and St. Patricks Day weekly themes.


I hope these resources can relieve some of your stress as you continue on this new journey of homeschool preschool. Remember, kids thrive on consistency and schedules. So, don’t forget to download the FREE preschool visual schedule for your little learner. If you need some extra assistance (don’t we all) I have something for you too! Grab my free guide to preschool here for schedules, calendars, planning sheets and more.

For more blog posts about adjusting to online home learning, check out my friends below:

Naomi’s 22 tips for online teaching
Michelle’s Distance Learning in Elementary

PS – If you’re looking for more great Preschool and Kindergarten ideas you should join the 18,000+ other followers on my social media pages. Click here to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your work. I’m working with a kinder buddy on the spectrum for autism. He will definitely
    benefit from this visual.

  2. Pingback: The FREE Guide to Preschool - The Primary Parade
  3. I confirmed my email address, how and when will I receive the free visual schedule? I have a student with very high anxiety (always asking when mommy will pick her up). This will be a great help!!

    1. It automatically gets sent to the email address you left. Please check your spam and let me know if you still don’t see it. Jessica@theprimaryparade.com

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