Printable Chicken Life Cycle Worksheet
I’m having so much fun with these printable chicken life cycle worksheet pages. They go really well with a spring baby chicks theme. Plus, life cycle lessons really help preschoolers to understand the natural world and how it progresses.
These chicken life cycle worksheets are so cute! I just know your preschool students will enjoy them as much as mine do. Just print the simple chicken life cycle worksheets on colored paper and glue them together to form a boy chick or girl chick craft that’s perfect for the spring season.
Keep reading to discover all the fun you can have learning about life cycles and baby chicks with your preschool learners this spring. Your students will love my printables, crafts, and activity ideas!

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Chicken Life Cycle Book Suggestions
A baby chicks preschool theme is perfect for the spring season. It’s the right time to teach life sciences and animal facts to your preschool students. You can use my adorable chicken worksheets and crafts in your science center or pair them with other chick-themed activities and books at storytime.
My students and I love the book Chicken by David Schwartz because it shows these interesting animals up close. Your preschoolers will get to see the egg yolk, a baby chick with wet feathers, the mother chicken laying on her eggs, and so much more.
Chicken books are the perfect addition to your science center or read-aloud time. Other baby chick books we love include How Does An Egg Hatch? by Eric Carle and The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone.
Life Cycle of a Chicken Poster
My printable chicken life cycle posters are a great addition to your preschool classroom. Post them in your science center to expose your preschoolers to new vocabulary. These posters are a fun way to explore each stage of the chicken life cycle with your students.
Chicken Life Cycle Worksheets & Crafts
Are you looking for a chicken life cycle worksheet to teach all about the different stages of a chicken? This Spring, teach all about the life cycle of a chicken with my easy cut-and-paste craft activities. My craftivity is a great way to learn all about chicken eggs, baby chicks, the mother hen, and adult chickens as they develop from stage to stage.
The chicken life cycle craft comes with boy and girl chick templates so your students can make it their own. This fun science activity will give you a chance to practice fine motor skills with your students and assess their fine motor abilities. Preschoolers will need to cut each part of the life cycle and paste it to the correct spot.
Hands-On Chicken Life Cycle Activities
Learning activities with hands-on elements encourage multi-tasking through listening, speaking, touching, and using the five senses to explore.
Hands-on chicken life cycle activities give preschoolers a chance to interact with a variety of learning materials too. Check out some of my favorite chicken life cycle activities you can use to encourage hands-on exploration and learning in your classroom this spring.
Chicken Life Cycle Exploration Set
I’m in love with this Chicken Life Cycle Exploration Set.
It features 21 empty eggshells with numbers printed on the surface, 20 cards with pictures of chicks in different life stages, and 1 hatched chick model. It’s perfect for your science center!
Chicken Life Cycle Sensory Bin
You can add the chicken exploration set to a chicken life cycle sensory bin to give your preschool students even more opportunities to explore and become familiar with the different stages in the life cycle of a baby chick. Check out the Chicken Life Cycle Sensory Bin from Science Sparks to get tips on creating your own sensory bin.
Meet Real Baby Chicks
If you don’t own chickens, don’t worry. Your local feed store may have eggs that you can hatch right in the classroom! Hatching baby chicks right in the classroom is a wonderful opportunity for your preschool students to observe the chicken life cycle in action.
If you can’t bring chicken eggs into your classroom, consider taking a field trip to a local farm or feed store to visit the baby chicks. This will give your preschoolers an opportunity to see chickens up close and bring the science lesson to life in a whole new way!
More Life Cycle Activities for Preschool Students
Spring is the perfect season for studying life cycles with your kids. There are so many animal life cycles to explore and learn about! Discover a few more of my favorite life cycle worksheets and activities below.
Frog Life Cycle Craft Activity
Do you need a cute frog life cycle craft to go with your Spring theme activities?
This Frog Life Cycle Craft will reinforce your students learning about life cycles in a fun and hands-on way. This frog craft comes with frog life cycle templates which you can print on colored paper and glue together.
Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheets
Butterfly Life Cycle Worksheets make it easy to learn about the different stages in the life cycle of a butterfly with your preschool students.
There are so many creative lesson plans and activities you can use to introduce your students to life cycles, but butterfly life cycle activities are one of my favorites!
Are you planning life cycle themes for your spring preschool lessons? Which life cycle activities are your favorites? Tell me all about it in the comments!