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Reindeer Craft printable

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I’m really excited about my latest reindeer craft printable! This Christmas math activity is perfect for exploring counting skills and number recognition with your preschoolers this winter.

Keep reading to get my new reindeer number activities for preschool students and more awesome holiday themed activities too.

reindeer craft printable

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Teaching Counting Skills this Christmas

Preschoolers need lots of practice with counting and number recognition. You can get in some extra counting practice while having fun with your preschoolers this December using my reindeer craft printable.

You’ll get an easy-to-use counting mat to print along with number cards to start things off.

Then, have preschoolers identify the number on each card and arrange festive Candy Corn in the reindeers mouth to build Rudolph with this fun Christmas craft for kids.


If you’re wanting to build a Rudolph counting activity this Christmas you’ll need to gather the following supplies:

SUPPLIES FOR MAKING my Reindeer activity

Christmas Reindeer Math Activity

My newest reindeer craft printable is the perfect way to get creative as you learn about numbers and counting with your preschoolers this Christmas.

counting reindeer teeth

To increase the opportunities to build fine motor skills (and to make it more fun!) I like to swap out the Playdoh and pom-poms for holiday themed Candy Corn. They make this winter math activity so much more fun and tactile for preschoolers!

Plus, it gives your preschoolers a sweet treat to enjoy when they’re done.

More Reindeer Activities for Christmas

Along with this reindeer counting activity, I’ve got a Printable Rudolph Alpabet Activity you can use to explore letters and letter sounds with your preschoolers.

rudolph printable for kids

Needing even more reindeer craft printables for December? Check out my easy reindeer shape craft for kids. It’s perfect for teaching counting and basic shapes this Winter.

reindeer craft template

What’s your favorite way to teach counting skills to preschoolers this winter? Share your favorite winter math activities in the comment section. I can’t wait to read them and try some of your favorites in my classroom too!

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